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Weather Advisory for Monaghan

Weather Alert, Dec. 8th 2022
Met Eireann has issued a Weather Advisory Alert for Monaghan. Valid from Thu. 08/12 @ 11AM until Mon. 12/12 @ 9AM, see

Moderate Advisory Warning for Monaghan

Alert message from Met Eireann:
Remaining very cold into early next week due to an Arctic airmass, bringing sharp to severe frosts, and ice or black ice on roads and footpaths. Some showers of hail, sleet, and snow will occur, mainly in coastal counties. Freezing fog likely at times, especially this weekend. For winter weather preparation: www.winterready.ieCold Spell for the rest of this week: your 10-day location forecast on:
  • Event: Advisory
  • Severity: Yellow
  • Valid from: Thu. 08/12 @ 11AM
  • Valid to: Mon. 12/12 @ 9AM
  • Affected Areas: Ireland

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